Lostwave's Fakest Wiki

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Lostwave's Fakest Wiki


A police officer chasing a Robber, which would also be associated with the song.

Stylish Stickup, formerly "Out of the bank" and "the most mysterious song on the internet," is a song, by Key after Key, that was posted on June 6, 2023, by the username piro on waztatsong. It is heard in a Roblox game named "Phighting."


On June 6, 2023, user named piro uploaded a low-quality 15 second snippet on watzatsongbthe description saying, "recorded this on April 8, 2022, help identify!"

On June 27th, 2024, Hahimback, the same OP of Bad, posted a longer snippet. He claims the last 10 seconds were cut off by accident, and claimed the file was from 2021.

Later in the same day, zombiekittensinquestion found a video named "skateboard jumpscare", revealing the name was "Stylish Stickup." This also reveals it has a music video. At the same time, he found a full version of the video, being longer and also a bigger video.

Zombiekittensinquestion's contact of Key after Key was successful, even if it took over 5 days. Key after Key replied this:

Oh, I did, that's a yes for a reply of yours.


Person on watzatsong named "r" said that the song was made by bougez, this was debunked by ivrichi 3 days later.

A person on YouTube names "WXVELOZT" claimed that the song is from a game. This became a true lead after a video named "Skateboard jumpscare" was found, with only 398 views.

Hahimback, the same OP of Bad, had said the artist as Key after Key. We need information on this and contact Key after Key to make sure he made the song. This was true, and caused the song to be solved after Key after Key replied.


Get those robbers out of the bank!

Dead, or, alive!

External links[]


(Real song: Stylish Stickup, by Key after Key.)
